Paul Taubman

Excerpts: Cosmopolitan may be for sale on Las Vegas Strip The Blackstone Group LP, a major player in the Southern Nevada real estate market, has retained Deutsche Bank AG and PJT Partners, Inc. to explore strategic alternatives for the property, including a sale, according to sources familiar with the deal. Chad Beynon, an analyst with […]

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Excerpts: Morgan Stanley Misses Deal Harmony With Colm Kelleher – Paul Taubman Clash Colm Kelleher and Paul J. Taubman, co-heads of Morgan Stanley’s biggest business, work on opposite sides of an ocean, disagree about strategy and share an enmity that has become the subject of company jokes. Neither Kelleher, 54, a gregarious former fixed-income salesman,

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Stacking the deck

Excerpts: Stacking the Deck Leo Hindery’s place at the centre of America’s cable and telecom industry over the past two decades has been obscured by men whose lives are really spent in the headlines—Rupert Murdoch, John Malone or AT&T’s Michael Armstrong. But this has given Mr. Hindery something that every author craves, an inside view

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Excerpts: Morgan Stanley Realty touches real estate’s biggest deals In fact, Morgan Stanley & Co. has been involved in the real estate industry longer than any other Wall Street-based investment banking firm, some 25 years. Today, the Morgan Stanley Realty team is part of a global company with offices in London, Hong Kong, Tokyo, New

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