Excerpts: “Buffa’s Bad Tuna: Debtor Owning 99% Of LLC Dodges Charging Order By Paying Oversized Salary To Wife.” Buckeye Retirement Co. v. Buffa, 2011 WL 3439022 (D.Conn., Slip Copy, Aug. 5, 2011) Anthony Buffa is a private equity investor who got behind on his promissory note to First Third Bank and stipulated to judgment against […]
Douglas Luke
Excerpts: “Charging Orders: The Creditors’ Primary Remedy Against A Debtor’s Interest In A Limited Liability Company Or Partnership.” Reference Buckeye Retirement Co. v. Buffa, 2011 WL 6299681 (D.Conn., Dec. 16 2011). On January 6, 2009, plaintiff next filed its Motion for Order Re: Post–Judgment Discovery (Dkt.# 59), which sought post-judgment discovery under CONN. GEN. STAT.
Excerpts: “Hindery: Global Crossing Stiffed Me on Rent, Pay” Leo Hindery says he still has a gripe with his old company, Global Crossing – that it owes him rent for his Waldorf-Astoria apartment and a year’s back pay. Hindery headed the telecommunications company for two years, up to its peak in 2000 and left before
Stacking the deck
Excerpts: Stacking the Deck Leo Hindery’s place at the centre of America’s cable and telecom industry over the past two decades has been obscured by men whose lives are really spent in the headlines—Rupert Murdoch, John Malone or AT&T’s Michael Armstrong. But this has given Mr. Hindery something that every author craves, an inside view
Excerpts: Global Crossing Form 10-K, filed on February 04, 2001 2.12 Agreement and Plan of Merger among Exodus Communications, Inc., Einstein Acquisition Corp., Global Crossing GlobalCenter Holdings, Inc., GlobalCenter Holding Co., GlobalCenter Inc., and Global Crossing North America, Inc., dated as of September 28, 2000 (incorporated by reference to the Registrant’s Current Report on Form
Excerpts: “Global Crossing’s Leo Hindery for Hire: Quits After Just 10 Mos.” A year later, he repeated the fix-and-flip process at Global Crossing by packaging its fiber optic Internet pipelines and selling them to Exodus Communications for $6.1 billion. That gave Hindery a profit of $205 million for his 10 months of work there. Global
Excerpt: “Global Crossing: CEO Leo Hindery is Out, Thomas Casey is In” Leo Hindery, former head of AT&T Corp.’s cable television operations, had only been at the job seven months. He joined Global Crossing last December and succeeded former CEO Bob Annunziata in March. But in the past few months, Global Crossing stock has tumbled
Excerpts: Global Crossing: Who’s in Charge? Global Crossing Ltd. (Nasdaq: GBLX) announced this morning that CEO Leo Hindery was leaving his post “by mutual agreement” after seven months on the job. According to Casey, the carrier is on target to meet and probably exceed its earnings estimates, including over $1 billion recurring adjusted EBITDA (earnings
Excerpts: “AT&T Makes Local Phone Play with $48B Merger.” Since his first days on the job in November, AT&T chairman Michael Armstrong apparently wanted to partner with TCI chairman and CEO John Malone. Malone — whose sights will shift to control of Liberty Media Group and TCI Ventures Group — vowed that this merger won’t
Excerpt: “AT&T to buy TCI for $48 billion.” In a conference call this morning, [Michael] Armstrong said the two companies worked late into the night to work out all the details of the pact. TCI chief executive John Malone noted that the definitive agreement was put together in eight days. The deal’s hefty $48 billion